How many of Ben Franklin's virtues do you have?

Take a look at Ben Franklin's 13 Virtues. How many do you have?

Me? I've got 2, maybe 3. But I'm kinda drunk right now and I haven't been shagging the empties. So I'm not too sure. 4?

Comments for: How many of Ben Franklin's virtues do you have?

Yikes- you still might have me beat, Wee, unless I cheat or just plain lie....

Posted by suzi at July 23, 2006 9:42 PM

"You'll never find a virtue unstatusing my quo or making my Beelzebubble burst
Let others take the high road, I will take the low
I cannot wait to rush in where angels fear to go
With all those [13] deadly virtues free and happy little me has not been cursed!

(Name that musical)

Posted by Tess at July 24, 2006 9:39 AM

Well, I kinda read through the lenses of my "Seven Deadly Sins" glasses, and picked which ones I could kinda wiggle around. So, yeah, I'd say 3.

Tess, Teh GOOG says that the lyrics are from Camelot. Never heard of it...

Posted by wee at July 26, 2006 1:01 PM

"Camelot" was a Broadway hit from the early 1960's, starring Julie Andrews, Richard Burton, Robert Goulet and Roddy McDowell. (There was a film version with different people, too - Vanessa Redgrave, Richard Harris, etc.) My friend Nicole, having been fairly obsessed with the whole Arthurian legend thing (and Vanessa Redgrave), made us listen to the soundtrack together oh, about 5 frillion times. "The Seven Deadly Virtues" was my favorite song of the bunch. Little wonder, really.

Posted by Tess at July 26, 2006 4:00 PM

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