My first real battle is over

Been playing EVE Online since May. I started out doing low-level missions, mining, stuff like that. I started training up combat skills early on, and I guess it paid off. I had 4 ships on me and I killed 3 of them, with a friend. Here are the stats of my third battle.

My first battle, I died horribly: never got a shot off in fact. I was 2 weeks old. My second battle was last night. I was in a cruiser and got a battlecruiser to run away after a long fight. Tonight I saw a guy in a frigate dock at the station I was docking at. I called in a corp friend and we waited for like an hour.

After a while I left the station, figuring he'd forgot about me. Turns out he got 3 friends to dock in the meantime. I go to redock, and 4 of them pop out, all spewing drones. My corp friend was elsewhere, looking for the guy we were waiting for.

I killed one guy fast. I think he was in a frigate. The other three were one frig and two cruisers. I yelled for my friend, started shooting one cruiser. Friend showed up, the cruiser died. Friend trapped the other cruiser, we killed him. The last frigate ran off.

Turns out I have pretty good missile skills, and not a bad tank. I was wondering about that.

It was some of the best online gaming I've ever experienced. I was scared to death. In a online gaming way, I mean. In EVE, if you lose something, you lose it. You don't respawn with the same ship. You're dead. So it's a little different than games I'm used to playing.

Here's the corporate chat of the event:

Aggravated > i love the rupture best cruiser thier is imo
Sidiion > rup is nice rax is 2nd
Ico Seduvaar > I killed a rax tonight.  with my caracal. :-)
Sidiion > my rax is not a newb rax thou
Ico Seduvaar > I bet
Ico Seduvaar > in the end, skills are what matters
Sidiion > 5 t2 small nuetrals
Sidiion > big tank =)
Aggravated > ico like insta popped a rax, rifter and a celestial
Ico Seduvaar > I've been training a little bit.  but need more pvp time
Sidiion > plp must not have had any armor or resists on
Sidiion > rof only bonus i see diffrent really between rax/rupture
Aggravated > well the celestial had a t2 med rep dunno what else
Ico Seduvaar > he died pretty quick.  but I have no other real battles to compare 
against.  except that brutix last night.  he ran off

I've been training PvP skills for 3 months, not knowing how they play into the fabric of the game, just guessing that "this might be good to have". Then I get a decent run one night by accident -- and I got cred with the corp, too! Been there a month, haven't done shit with them. Having a corp-fellow say I do well is nice. And now, I want to go full pirate. Y'arr!

I have a sneaky suspicion that I'll start seeing a lot more enemies around that system I was in. And I'm sure I'll get killed before to long (it's inevitable, really). But it was cool that my first real battle worked out in my favor.

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