No more comments

I turned off comments yesterday. I think they'll stay off for good this time. The spammers had found me, and I was getting about 250 spammy comments a day. Not a big deal, since I had to approve comments before they appeared on the site, but that meant I was getting those emails, and then I had to log in periodically and sort through them all, make sure there wasn't a comment from someone I know, and then delete the junk. That's kinda like work.

So no more comments. Even though blog spam doesn't work (at least not as far as Google is concerned; spamming links to blogs doesn't improve PageRank in the slightest, and may in fact even harm it) those assholes just wouldn't leave me alone. And it wasn't like I was getting a lot of "real" comments anyway (I think I peaked at like 2 per month).

Maybe one day I'll put in a captcha system again, but for now if anyone wants to tell me something just send me an email.

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