November 17, 2005

Well, this is certainly an interesting article. Moral relativism makes my heart sing.

Posted by tess at 04:10 PM
November 15, 2005
The Queens We Use Would Not Excite You

Dana at Bobofett asked people to email her some of their favorite iPod songs. Here's a copy of what I sent her. Clearly, I'm not a girl of refined musical tastes. Regardless, here's a sample pack of songs that, one way or another, scratch an itch in my tune-listening soul:

- One Night In Bangkok - Murray Head: because I get my kicks above the waistline, Sunshine. I fucking love this song. I can't explain.

- Dear God - XTC: I'll bet He's getting a lot of these types of letters lately

- Nightswimming - REM: reminds me of old friends, and skinnydipping. Also, one of the few REM songs where you can almost totally discern what the hell Stipe is singing.

- Starry Eyed Surprise - Paul Oakenfold: Just makes me completely happy. I liked it way before it was featured on the Sprite or Diet Coke or whatever commercial.

- You Rascal You - Louis Armstrong: only Satchmo could sing a go-fuck-yourself song that's so chipper... "I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you. I'll be tickled to death when you leave this earth, you dog..."

- Ring of Fire - Johnny Cash: Even though Bill and I are convinced that it's really about herpes.

- Seether - Veruca Salt: you can't fight the Seether.

- Flower - Liz Phair: Never guess from the title what a dirty, dirty little song this is. Not one to absent-mindedly sing in the bank line.

- Love You Madly, or Comfort Eagle - Cake: I couldn't choose between them. Although, for lyrics, I suppose Comfort Eagle wins by a nose. You can dress up like a sultan in your onion-head hat!

- Little Miss Can't Be Wrong - Spin Doctors: Ugh, I know... Next I'll be defending the virtues of Hootie and the Blowfish. May as well be twiddling someone's fraternity ring on a chain around my neck when I cop to this one.

- Last Laugh - Dance Hall Crashers: Calling this tune "ska" is seriously pushing the definition, but I love singing along with the weird harmonies

- Feel Good Inc. - The Gorillaz: This song forces me to groove. Resistance is futile.

There it is. Feel free to share some of yours...

(Yes, Eric, I realize that you don't see any Dan Fogelberg ANYWHERE on this list. That's for another entry, the one called "My Secret Songs of Shame").

Posted by tess at 01:46 AM
November 13, 2005
James Jean

My new favorite artist.

Posted by tess at 06:49 PM
November 08, 2005

It's shit like this that makes me think that I want to raise my kids in a cabin deeeep in the woods.

Posted by tess at 05:18 PM
November 03, 2005
Things I've Noticed About Indy Lately

- What Indy feels toward the vacuum cleaner is not exactly fright, but rather horrified fascination. She darts from room to room while I'm vacuuming; I used to think she was trying to hide, but I've come to realize that she's actually playing chicken with it.

- She's not only gotten used to her insulin shots, she's added them to her mental DayTimer. If I'm late with one, she'll follow me around shaking her scruff at me. Once she knows the needle's loaded, she'll usually pick a spot across the room to await the poke. If I come up to her while she's still standing and tell her to sit, however, she'll just glance at me stubbornly and stand her ground. Sadly, I have no qualms about exploiting the fact that a light tug on her collar will make her weak back legs fold like a card table. Lately, though, I just put down the needle and raise an eyebrow at her, and pretty soon she'll heave a big resigned sigh and cop a squat. It's all about the illusion of consent, I guess.

- A few months ago she started making this really harsh hacking noise every now and then. At first I was worried about it, thinking she might have kennel cough, or a splinter in her throat, or some diabetes complication we hadn't read about. Pretty soon, though, I noticed that she only does it when she wants me to do something. It's like the dog equivalent of clearing her throat. So now it just pisses me off.

- When she's asleep, sometimes her paws will start twitching and she'll yip like a coyote. I've never heard her make this sound when she's awake. I wonder what her dreams are like.

Posted by tess at 04:11 PM