April 13, 2006
Revenge of the Ants

Yesterday, we had the house sprayed for ants. Tonight, in a taunting act of rebellion, they counter-attacked a critical and psychologically demoralizing target: my computer keyboard. When one is typing on a black keyboard, it simply doesn't occur to one that tiny bugs might start leaping out and running up one's fingers. Unnerving.

Last week, before the spraying, I went to bed and found that they'd over-run the little frog box on my bedside table and had stripped all the candy coating off the Advils I kept in there.

Devious little bastards.

Posted by tess at 11:05 PM
April 06, 2006

Ever since I went back to work, Indy has started up with her version of angsty teen cutting, the Lick Granuloma, where basically she licks her leg into an oozing raw mass of torutured flesh. I've written about this before, but apparently dogs get an endorphin rush out of it or some crazy thing. Anyway, usually she'll do it a while then stop, but this one's gotten bad enough that we decided it was time to put a cone on her head and give the leg a chance to heal unmolested.

She's dealing with it better than we expected - she's not clawing at it or whining or anything - but she is in kind of a manic panting mood. We can't decide if she's doing this for amusement, to dislodge the thing, or simply to bully us into taking it off - but several times this evening she's made for the opposite end of wherever she sees us standing up, then gallumphed her arthritic, neuropathic bones across the room to ram our legs, head on. It's like she's head-cone jousting, and it's incredibly silly.

Posted by tess at 08:09 PM