Suspension of disbelief

Tracy and I saw Sideways the other night. It's a really great movie, but not terribly realistic. The characters spend about 3/4 of the movie drinking red wine, and not a single person winds up with purple teeth. Not once. Kinda runined it for me...

Posted by wee on 02/27/2005 at 11:54 AM | Main Page | Category: Random Stuff | Comments (7)
It's Eric's Head!

Set the wayback machine and point it towards Eric's Head.

I only wish I could find out what Eric's Head was up to lately...

Posted by wee on 02/25/2005 at 10:26 PM | Main Page | Category: Random Stuff | Comments (5)
The first rule of Work Club is...

There is a reason I don't talk about work very much here. I wish I could; I occasionally have experiences I'd like to remember in detail later on. And I probably could write about non-work stuff here during works hours. My company couldn't care less that I'd write here, as far as I can tell. But in the end, what I do wouldn't be too interesting for any else but me (and only then a few years later, when the fresh, higher-texture memories have popped the old ones off the stack).

And writing about work stuff can come back to haunt you later. I learned that lesson once, and once is enough.

Hell, I don't even write about non-work stuff anymore because I'm such a pussy I haven't even hit this site from work. Not even once. I'm still probationary (until the middle of March), and assume that all outbound Net access is logged. I work for a log analysis company. I'd log Net traffic for new hires, so I assume they would too. So when get home at 7pm, the last thing I want to do is recall some funny web site I saw -- which I likely wouldn't have seen in the first place (viz.: my unwillingness to browse non-work related websites, my general paranoia about being new, my desire to get lots done to impress the new boss, etc.).

Anyway, I've been hugely busy lately. I got hired for and put on a fairly high-profile project, one I'm solely responsible for, and so I've been wanting to get it done before it was needed. As it happens, I got it put into production just today. We'll see if it runs successfully tonight. If so, I'm going to be getting it done a lot earlier than it was needed, and can talk to the other engineers and find out what else I can do to help them.

But no detailed work talk. No good can come of it.

Posted by wee on 02/11/2005 at 07:26 PM | Main Page | Category: News | Comments (4)
Godspeed, Mr. President

Former President John F. Kennedy passed away today.


Posted by wee on 02/04/2005 at 09:42 AM | Main Page | Category: News | Comments (2)