Archives: What are you?
Do you deserve a high school diploma?

Apparently, yes:

You paid attention during 100% of high school!

85-100% You must be an autodidact, because American high schools don't get scores that high! Good show, old chap!

Do you deserve your high school diploma?
Create a Quiz

Kind of a cool test (though I'm a sucker for them anyway).

Posted by wee on 03/19/2008 at 03:32 PM | Main Page
What kind of dinosaur are you?

Get this widget!

Posted by wee on 02/20/2008 at 08:35 PM | Main Page
How many five year olds could you fight?


Posted by wee on 12/14/2007 at 02:38 AM | Main Page
What kind of English do you speak?

Here's me:

Your Linguistic Profile:
70% General American English
15% Upper Midwestern
10% Yankee
0% Dixie
0% Midwestern
What Kind of American English Do You Speak?

I guess that's about right, considering my folks are from Ohio and West Virginia, but I grew up in Arizona (which has no accent to speak of).

Posted by wee on 11/10/2006 at 11:11 AM | Main Page | Comments (7)
How many of Ben Franklin's virtues do you have?

Take a look at Ben Franklin's 13 Virtues. How many do you have?

Me? I've got 2, maybe 3. But I'm kinda drunk right now and I haven't been shagging the empties. So I'm not too sure. 4?

Posted by wee on 07/22/2006 at 02:03 AM | Main Page | Comments (4)
How Austistic are you?

MSNBC has a test which aims to show you how much of a propensity towards autism you have. My score? 27. (No, I'm not making that up.)

That's rated as the middle of the "above average" category. I probably scored slightly higher than most not because I have autistic leanings, but because I don't much care for social settings. And I'm good at remembering numbers and things, don't like being disturbed when I'm doing something, can't multitask with a shit, and have an easy time visualizing abstract concepts.

Yeah, well...

Posted by wee on 01/09/2006 at 02:24 AM | Main Page | Comments (5)
Another political test
You are a

Social Liberal
(73% permissive)

and an...

Economic Conservative
(65% permissive)

You are best described as a:


Link: The Politics Test

I guess so. I don't really vote a party so much as an issue or a person. And there's only a few issues that I'm really anxious over. Gun control is bad, fertility rights should be a given, a perpetual welfare state keeps the citizenry feeble, the war on drugs is futile, the war on terror isn't much more successful, I'll never see a dime of what I pay towards social security and so on. You know: a centrist.

I don't really identify with any one particualr political party, but I guess the Libertarians are the closest. Sad that they're often seen as a bunch of whackjobs. Seriously: get rid of national borders? Completely abolish taxes? Not entirely in line with realistic possibilities.

My main overriding political belief is a simple one: As long as what you, as a member of society, are doing is kept firmly in the realm of your own business, then why should I or the government care what you're on about?

Posted by wee on 12/06/2005 at 05:19 PM | Main Page
Are you a hippie?

I am the anti-hippie, I shoot hippies for fun!.
Score: -201
I am the anti-hippie,
I shoot hippies for fun!
Take the "Are you a Hippie?" Test

Apparently, I am not in the market for magical string. But I have to admit that was one of the easiest tests I've taken so far!

Posted by wee on 10/04/2005 at 09:41 PM | Main Page | Comments (2)
What kind of pirate am I?

In honor of the passing of Talk Like A Pirate Day:

What kind of pirate am I? You decide!
You can also view a breakdown of results or put one of these on your own page!
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

Posted by wee on 09/20/2005 at 06:15 AM | Main Page | Comments (2)
How evil are you?

As it turns out, I'm not all that evil at all.

How evil are you?
Posted by wee on 08/20/2005 at 05:05 PM | Main Page | Comments (2)
How nerdy are you?

I am nerdier than 98% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

I think I got extra points because there are, in fact, two rodents in the room. Not my rodents, mind you, but there was no way to qualify the answer, so I had to go with it.

Posted by wee on 08/05/2005 at 09:00 PM | Main Page | Comments (1)
I'm an asshole
I am 80% Asshole/Bitch.
Total Asshole or Bitch!
I am one of those people that love to hear the sound of their voice. That and my lousy attitude make for a mixture as toxic next-day-mexican-dinner-ass-drip.
Take the
Asshole/Bitch Test
@ FualiDotCom

I'm glad that's finally been officially quantified.

Posted by wee on 01/20/2005 at 06:59 PM | Main Page | Comments (8)
Create your own South Park character

I showed Tess the Create Your Own South Park Character site, and she decided to make a character out of me. Here's what she came up with:

Not too far off, actually.

Posted by wee on 10/09/2004 at 12:58 AM | Main Page | Comments (2)
How messed up are you?
Disorder Rating
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Moderate
Schizotypal: Low
Antisocial: Moderate
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: High

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

Posted by wee on 10/07/2004 at 08:59 PM | Main Page | Comments (5)
What pisses you off?

Especially the ones that go off right after you've sat down, and spray your ass. Dont'cha just hate that?

What pisses you off?

Actually, what really pisses me off are low-life bottom feeders like the ass licker who spammed me with 211 comments yesterday. That's way more annoying than any toilet could be.

Posted by wee on 10/05/2004 at 06:44 AM | Main Page | Comments (1)
Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?
I'm a Philosopher/Scientist!

Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?

I've more than a couple relatives deeply involved in the church. But this made me laugh anyway. Hey, at least I know I'm not going to hell, right?

Posted by wee on 09/14/2004 at 09:47 AM | Main Page | Comments (11)
How evil are you?

How evil are you?
Posted by wee on 07/29/2004 at 11:31 PM | Main Page | Comments (5)