February 18, 2003
Between Panic and Ennui

This morning I was writing up supporting documentation on some large-dollar equipment orders that I placed in January, and as I reviewed the orders I had the sudden, sickening impression that I'd accidentally duplicated an order for about $13,000 of equipment that I already had on order with someone else. After about 10 horrifying minutes, I realized that I was just misreading the spreadsheet, and actually did need both orders to fill the total requirement... Whew. That's what I get for doing my paperwork so late that I forget the details. Funny thing was that the other day I was watching something on TV and trying to recollect what a sense of panic over impending doom actually felt like - well, I'm at least somewhat reacquainted with the concept now.

I have lots more to write about - the cruise we took, for one; I guess I never even posted anything about our trip to London either as I meant to... I guess I just hit a slump of sorts. So far this year, work has been very stressful; not only has business picked up, but one of our buyers decided not to come back from her leave of absence after Christmas as planned, and we haven't replaced her yet. So we're all overworked, and not getting a lot of moral support from management; I've been sort of mentally drained as a result and not really in the mood for writing - or maybe just aware that any writing I would do might mostly consistent of the same sort of criping that I've already listed above, and who wants to read that, really? However, I'm starting to get back to feeling like I might actually have some thoughts worth posting again, so we'll see how it goes. So, assuming anyone actually still checks this site, there might soon be more to read when you do.

Posted by tess at 11:14 AM