I'm keen on getting Fastrak set up. It'll cut probably 20 minutes off my commute. I hit their website, read about how you have to fill out a form, then downloaded the PDF I'm supposed to fill out and send in.
I thought PDF was supposed to be "portable", because all I see is this. Buh?
I think my work computer is from space, and I cannot speak its language.
So it was time for my weekly "get rid of 300 spam comments" routine, when I notice about 200 spam comments from this company called the Dis aster Re covery Gro up (those spaces are intentional; the whole point of their spams was to increase their PageRank with Google, and I can't really talk about them without doing just that). You can get to their domain by running the words in their name together and adding a .com to the end.
I went to their website to see what they were all about and lo and behold they're based in Moreno, CA. And their contact page has a phone number: 951-488-0304. So I called it. You should too. That they're hiding behind an answering machine message is funny in and of itself, but their message is downright hilarious.
I'd love to know how a company can accidentally spam enough websites that they have to let an answering machine be their balls for them. And I'd also like to know what they are doing when they are "looking into the problem". And why they can't do anything about it. And who told them they can't do anything about it.
I ought to drive up there and ask them in person...