Well, about 75% full anyway. Want proof? Try this.
I don't know about anyone else, but I still get pretty darn good results using Google -- and they come up really fast without annoying ads all over the place. The rest of that nonsense I don't know anything about. P/E this, Chinese that... whatever. Use whatever search engine you like and quit your bitching, says I.
Oh, and the motto isn't "Do no evil". It's . There's a difference (besides semantics). I strongly believe in that motto, too.
And that's pretty much all I have to say about that.
If you make changes to the source of an application that you're writing, you have to recompile the app before you can see the changed behavior when your binary runs. Really! Who'd have thunk it? It's an amazing revelation, I know.
Talk about brain farts. For the past 10 minutes, the entire office has stunk of them...